Things To Make And Try Archive
February Fiction to Enjoy this Month
Tuesday, 13 February 2024 15:54
Teenagers In Drug Arrest Following Coppins Bridge Police Pursuit
Police have this afternoon (Monday) arrested males aged 18 and 15 following a pursuit which saw one of the suspects end up in the River Medina.
New Warehouse Could 'Support Expanding Companies' And 'Deliver Islander Employment Opportunities
A new warehouse that could ‘support expanding companies’ and ‘deliver employment opportunities’ will be built next to an Isle of Wight river.
Tax Breaks Could Be Set To End For Isle Of Wight Private Schools
Cabinet members may decide later this week to follow the government’s lead in ending tax breaks for Isle of Wight private schools.
Hundreds Attend Island’s Careers, Jobs And Apprenticeships Fair
Over 300 people attended the Isle of Wight Council’s Careers, Jobs & Apprenticeship event last month at 1Leisure Medina, organised by the Isle of Wight Council’s Island Futures team.