On Air Now Non Stop Music Midnight - 6:00am Mary J Blige - Family Affair Schedule

Enjoy Spooky Farm Fun At Tapnell This Half Term

Join Tapnell for Spooky Farm Fun this October Half Term...with additional fun activities in the Farm Park to keep your little ones entertained.

22nd-30th October

Wanda the Witch

Join Wanda the Witch in The Cabin for an icky sticky guided Slime Workshop* where you can get messy and mucky before taking your ghoulish creation home! Perfect for children aged 4+, this sensory experience gives your little ones a chance to get messy and have fun all under the guidance of Tapnell’s trained team.

*Small additional charge for Slime Workshop.

Rosella the Fortune Teller

Meet Rosella the Fortune Teller and see what your future holds in Tapnell’s family friendly fortune tent!

Plus there will be a spooky scavenger hunt around the Farm Park with prizes to be won! Head to the Events Barn for pumpkin related festivities including a pumpkin shy, pumpkin tossing, axe throwing, pumpkin bowling, corn catapult and more! There will be live music daily, pumpkin flavoured drinks and treats, licensed bar and carving competitions.


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