11 ex-Royal Marines and ex-Service Men and Women from the Isle of Wight are taking on an impressive and gruelling 80-day physical challenge for The Royal Marines Charity.
They will join the likes of 31 other ex-service Men/Women from the rest of the UK in a bid to circumnavigate the globe which is 24,901 miles.
To achieve the target, the Isle of Wight team must cover an average distance of 2,185 miles a week.
Just four weeks into the challenge, 9,539 miles have already been covered by the team either by cycling, running or even canoeing.
The oldest team member from the Isle of Wight is ex-Royal Marine 88-year-old Tom Bodman who has already walked 163 miles.
Terry Goodwin, who came up with the idea, is the Branch Secretary for the Royal Marine Association on the Isle of Wight, he said:
"Since the Afghan wars and things we have a lot of ex-servicemen especially Royal Marines with limbs missing and a lot with stress disorders, the NHS do their best to be fair but sometimes our charity has to go an extra mile to look after them. Some of them are very fit people really even though they have lost a couple of limbs and the charity would like to give them a prosthetic limb that will do sport basically - and that all costs money."
"I thought people would get a bit fed up with the challenge but the reality is - everyone is on the go here and keen to get on with it - they email their mileage back to me every week so I can keep track of what they have done."
He says they often go via the Peddlers Cafe in Newchurch for a quick cup of tea - so Islanders can keep an eye out and cheer them on from there.
The fundraiser started on September 1 and is due to finish on 19 November.
Scroll through exclusive pictures here...
- L to R Terry Goodwin, Martin Lovell, Tom Bodman (88) oldest team member and Bert Cuthbertson.
- L to R Terry Goodwin, Martin Lovell, Tom Bodman (88) oldest team member and Bert Cuthbertson.
- Martin Lovell. Chairman RMA IOW
- unnamed (35)Angela McCulley Ex- Wren lives on the mainland
- L to R Peter Evans Welsh guards and Tom Bodman
- Bill (molly) Macpherson
- Drew Durkin Lives on mainland
- Ady Lloyd lives on mainland
- John Richards Welsh Fusiliers Live in S.Wales
- Mariana Greenham Is running in the Isle of Wight Marathon on Sunday
To make a donation to The Royal Marines Charity go to https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/rmaiow.